Volunteer Run
Our Service…
Provides Fire and First Responder protection to Northeastern Fond du Lac and Southwestern Calumet Counties. This rural service is comprised of Active Duty Firefighters and First Responders, as well as Retired Members. The combination of membership facilitates an organized effort to ensure that the department is run smoothly. These dedicated members provide coverage to 4,000 citizens within a 58 square mile rural area along the eastern shore of Lake Winnebago. The department’s primary coverage territory includes 18 miles of shoreline along Lake Winnebago and is comprised of small residential communities with agricultural and industrial businesses as the predominant service lines in the area. Coverage territory encompasses the entire Town of Calumet, as well as portions of the Towns of Taycheedah and Brothertown.
Our History
Originating back in 1948, the Town of Calumet Fire Department started out with a limited amount of supplies. And through the years we have been constantly growing and gratefully serving our community for decades.
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Current & Retired Members
An up-to-date list of our current, retired, and passed members; Consisting of our fire chief, assistant chief, lieutenants, operators, explorers, and first responders.
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Annual Events
A list of events our department holds, along with some events that we attend to and support. We welcome you to join along with us into supporting our community.
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MABAS is a mutual aid measure that may be used for deploying fire, rescue and emergency medical services personnel in a multi-jurisdictional and/or multi-agency response.
Contact US

Town Of Calumet Fire Department
W3118 County Road W, Malone, WI 53049
Phone: (920) 795-4500
FIRE: tcfd@calumetfire.com
EMR: towncalumetemr@gmail.com